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Flash workspace introduction



Flash workspace is a platform to perform for different purpose, it has predefine workspace for work comfortably on the document, you can find them by go to "Window menu" and choose "Workspace" and select one of them. You can apply new workspace according to your requirement.


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Menu Bar: Menu bar has many menus to perform on differet

Tool Box: Tool box has many numerous tool those are helpful to draw graphics, fill colors, modify the object and see zoom view of object. In the flash, every tool has a separate properties to make change the setting to get a different type of effect according to necessary. Some tool has hidden tool those are indicated by the black triangle and situated right bottom of the tool. 

Working Area: In the middle of the flash window that is our working area, when we take a new file that will appear in that area. If we draw any object and put picture out of the taken file that would be not apply on the document. 

Property Bar: The property bar provide us a complete option to make changes to get different type of effect, It has three option to apply on the selected object in document, those work are different.

Properties: In the page properties we can change the size of the document, background color, internal settings by click setting button and frames per second(fps).

Filter: This option helps to apply different type of effect on the object but before applying the effect on the object we have to convert the object into movie Clip by press F8. 

Parameters: Parameters are applicable on components, when we insert component after that parameter will show their properties.

Time Line: As you know the movie is the collection of the frame, the time line window is just like that. In the time line window we have to convert our movie into the frames and give different effect on any particularly frame to make a creative movie.

Layer: The layer specify the object place, the layer are mainly use particular effect on a separate object. We can put the objects on the layers that will help to easily modify of the content without effecting our second object.

Color Pallet: The color pallet is the color section in the flash to fill any color as appropriate in the document and the another option is the gradient color effect in the graphic and object and more. 

Alignment: The alignment provides us to arrange the object, picture and text on the right position as we required in the document to make a unique animation without any disturbance of the object position.

Transform & Rotate: As it is clear by the name "Transform & Rotate", we can rotate any selected picture, graphic and object on any angle in between "0 to 360" degree and transform.

  • Flash Basic Introduction

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