Object menu In Illustrator

Object Menu
The Object menu has been designed in illustrator to perform on your object only. It has many effective functions to perform and control your graphics. Some of these are used most of the time by the professional to create stunning design of effect.
We are going to discuss here about the basic guide of object menu in illustrator, this tutorial will surely help you so let’s start.
This function allow you to make transform of you vector at any angle and position. There are given appropriate option to perform by changing the value of their properties.
It works as the name of function; this function will help you to put the right position of your vector like front, back, forward and backward of another object.
The group function is used to make grouping of more than one object and vector, the whole design can be moved after applied group option.
The work of ungroup function is opposite of group function. If you have grouped the whole design and you required to change a particular part of the design. At this time you need to apply ungroup option then modify.
The lock function is given for lock any picture, vector and object. After locking, It will not take any command and effect unless apply unlock option.
The unlock function is used to unlock the locked picture, vector and object. After unlock, it will be available for modifications.
The hide function is given in illustrator for hide any vector on the canvas as you don’t required yet. The present of some vector shapes disturb to work on a separate figure so we apply this function.
Show All
The show all function is applied when you want to visible all the hidden vector and graphics on whole canvas.
The expand function is very interesting and powerful in Illustrator. It is used to apply when you want to expand the size of figure and line art. It cannot be applied on every figure because it has limitation to perform.
Expand Appearance
The expand appearance function in illustrator allow you to apply on a special effect like gradient, filter and 3D etc. It makes the segment in the effect and allows you to perform on separate point of effect.
The rasterize function is given in illustrator for converting vector object to pixels. After rasterized, you get the limited by the number of pixels per square inch so you get the poor quality of graphics during scale.
Create Gradient Mesh
The gradient mesh function is given in illustrator for use of apply separate gradient effect on a single point of graphic. As you apply this function, you get a mesh with some anchor point on the figure and you have to perform by using them.
Create Object Mosaic
The Create Object Mosaicfunction is given in Illustrator for use make unique settings for selected graphic. It will help you to make different appearance of vector graphics by adjust the settings in pop up.
Flatten Transparency
The Flatten Transparency is given in the illustrator for enhance the quality of effect during print process. As you applied the effects on the object, it may not print correctly and reduce the quality of printout.
The slice function is given in the illustrator for make a slice of a selected object. It allows you to slice any part of object and it also applied by “Slice Tool”. It has also a dialog box and there are given different option to make it more capable to perform.
Create Trim Marks
The create trim marks function is given in the illustrator for make a mark around the object to guide the print operator to cut the area. It provides the exact and sharp edge of object to cut right position.
This path function is given in illustrator for work on selected path such a line, brush line, pencil line, pen line and etc. It provides best result and effect on whole selected path and anchor point.
The pattern function is given in the illustrator for use to make, edit and apply unique settings of pattern on document. You can convert any object and vector as a pattern by adjusting the settings in Pattern Options palette.
The blend function is given in the illustrator for apply different blend effect of on the selected path. It makes the sequence of colors and figure in between selected objects. You can adjust their position and number of figure by using blend settings.
Envelope distort
The Envelope Distort function is given in the illustrator for wrap the figure and text. It will help you to modify the figure into different shape and angle. It is having some more powerful extra function in the dialog box.
The perspective function is given in the illustrator for create a 3D grid line, 3D shape in Perspective View. There are given three options in the dialog box to perform different way.
Live Paint
The live paint function is given in the illustrator for fill color in the separate area in overlapped figure of sectors that has been create by go to object menu > Live Paint > Make. The artwork will divided into separate and available to fill color freely in them by the use of “Live Paint Bucket Tool”.
Image Trace
The image trace function is given in the illustrator for convert raster images to vector. It is used to make easy task of tracing the artwork to get fresh new one.
Text Wrap
The text wrap function is given in the illustrator for use to wrap the text paragraph around the figure. You can adjust the space between figure and text by the help of “Text wrap Option”.
Clipping Mask
The clipping mast function is given in the illustrator to make a masking on the picture and object. It is applied by using paths that can help you to select perfect area on the object to visible correctly.
Compound Path
The compound path function is given in the illustrator to use when you need a hole and remove space inside the object with interact by another shape. You can apply more than one figure to make cut with interact shape but which figure you want to cut that should be below from all of them.
The artboard is given in the illustrator to perform your creativity by vector graphic. It is just like a painter’s board where you draw vector, painting and effect by using some tools. You can take more than one artwork as you are suitable to work.
The graph function is given in the illustrator for apply different type of graph and customize also on the canvas. It has given some extra features to manipulate the graph presentation like shadow, angle and type etc.