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Create Galaxy in Photoshop



You are going to learn how to create a galaxy scene in the Photoshop, I have created it for the graphic project and movie through this tutorial, it is very easy to create because I have given the entire step those are used to draw the galaxy and I am sure you like and enjoy.

First of all you have to take a black background document, take a new document with appropriate size and fill black color by the Paint Bucket Tool (G key). 

draw a galaxy

Change the foreground and background color "Black" and "White" then fill black color on the new layer and apply noise filter by following this path (Filter menu > Noise > Add Noise), put value and select the options as given below picture.

draw a galaxy

Still selected noise layer change the blending mode "Normal' to "Hard Light" in the layer palette, the picture should be look like below.

draw a galaxy

Take a new layer and apply lens flare, follow this path (Filter menu > Render > Lens Flare). A window will come on the screen and you have make adjustment and choose option as given below.

draw a galaxy

Apply chrome by following this path (Filter Menu > Sketch > Chrome), make adjustment then apply radial blur by following this path (Filter menu > Blur > Radial Blur) and make adjustment as done below pictures.

draw a galaxy

draw a galaxy

You should have this type of picture.

draw a galaxy

Apply lens blur by following this path (Filter menu > Blur > Lens Blur), make all the adjustment and select options as done below picture.

draw a galaxy

Now change the blending mode "Normal" to "Linear Dodge" in the layer palette, the picture should be converted like below.

draw a galaxy

draw a galaxy

Take a new layer and fill "#cc6b03" color in the whole layer by the Paint Bucket Tool (G key) and change the blending mode "Normal" to "Color" then reduce the opacity and fill as done below.

draw a galaxy

Select Gradient Tool (G key) and make formatting in the optional bar then apply on the new layer and change the blending mode "Normal" to "Multiple".

draw a galaxy

draw a galaxy

You should have this galaxy picture.

draw a galaxy

Now its you work to draw some lighted stars that is the final result.

draw a galaxy



Santosh Kumar Web & Graphic designer

Santosh Kumar

This is santosh kumar living in New Delhi (India) and love to work as a Web & Graphic Designing. I like to create sketch, background, illustration and vector graphics. Tutorialbunch.com is a very good place where I express my creativity.

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