Appearing picture Animation
This is an appearing picture effect tutorial, you will
learn how to create an appearing picture on the screen and web, you can also apply
this effect on any type of picture. I have taken a sky picture to apply this
effect for learning purpose, I hope you like and enjoy so lets start.
Take any picture to modify; we are going to apply appearing picture
effect on a sky picture.
Still selected sky picture apply mask on, press "Add layer mask"
button by the mouse in the layer palliate.
Select Gradient tool (G key) and make settings, apply
left side on the picture but make sure the layer mask thumbnail should be
After done upper step, you should have this picture.
Be ready to apply animation on the picture, first remove link icon in
between sky picture and gradient mask layer then move by the mouse.
In the first frame move gradient mask layer left side by the left arrow key
and take a new frame then move gradient mask layer right side by the right arrow
Now press "Tweens animation frames" button and make settings.
This is the final result.
Santosh Kumar
This is santosh kumar living in New Delhi (India) and love to work as a Web & Graphic Designing. I like to create sketch, background, illustration and vector graphics. is a very good place where I express my creativity.