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Sketching Picture by Object


Hi friends

Today we are going to describe the basic concept to create a sketching picture by an object in this tutorial. I have a feather as an object to move on the document and the picture would be appear; you will get the knowledge of guide line and masking to move the object on. Follow all the steps carefully and you will definitely get the below effect.

Final Sketching picture

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Take a new document and set size as you wish but make sure the document size should be same as picture size. I have taken 400*270 according to my picture size. Import your Picture (Ctrl + R) and align the picture in the document by clicking below all red options.

sketching picture

Click on "Add Motion Guide" (click on purple colored button)sketching picture  and create a line in the inserted, the line should be cover the picture like given below.

sketching picture

Add one more normal layer and insert a feather. Convert feather picture to movie clip by press "F8", a window will come on the screen and you have to select "Movie clip" radio button like below.

sketching picture

In this step you have have to work on the feather and guide line layers. select feather's frame and match the feather center point on guide line's start point. like below

sketching picture

Press F6 on 40th frame in the frame window and again match the feather's center point on guide line's end point like below. make sure guide line layer will up and feather layer will be down. right click on layer.

sketching picture

Now I am going to add motion to the feather layer, select feather layer and right click on gray color area in the frame window then choose "Create Motion Tween" like below picture.

sketching picture

Take one more layer and give name "box", take brush tool with selected black color and covered feather area frame by frame, like below. 

sketching picture

Press F6 and covered the feather frame by frame in any color. like below

sketching picture

Move the box layer up to picture layer and right click and choose "Properties" option and click on "Normal" radio button type then right click on the "box" layer and select the "Mask" option.

sketching picture

Congratulation you have done, press Ctrl + Enter and enjoy the movie.

  • Sketching Picture Animation

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