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Wood Smoking Pipe



Through this example you are going to learn how to create a 3D vector wood smoking tobacco pipe, it is very easy to draw. I have taken only seven step those are fully described so that you don't get any doubt during the drawing it.

First of all take a new document with any size as you like, select Pen Tool (P key) and draw a line with only stroke "#824906" color by the help of some anchor point. Now you have to apply 3D revolve option, go to Effect menu > 3D > Revolve and make settings as done below.

3d smoking pipe

Now draw a black circle on the top of the shape, select Ellipse Tool (L key) with only Fill color "#000000" and draw a circle. If the circle don't well set on the top you can take help of the Selection Tool (A key) as done below.

3d smoking pipe

Still selected black circle make duplicate copy of the that and reduce the size and adjust position in the middle of the circle, Apply gradient in the circle, follow this path (Window menu > Gradient) put black color in the left right slider and insert new Gradient Slider with "#707070".

3d smoking pipe

Now you have to draw another part of the smoking pipe, draw again a line by the help of the Pen Tool (P key) and apply "3D Revolve" by following this path (Effect menu > 3D > Revolve) then make adjustment as done below picture.


3d smoking pipe

The smoking pipe should be look like this.

3d smoking pipe

Now I am going to draw handle, select Pen Tool (P key) and make  a pipe shape by some anchor point. Still selected pipe shape apply Fill color "Black" but make sure the stroke color should be blank.

3d smoking pipe

Let's draw light effect on the pipe, you can apply it by using Mash Tool (U key) but I have done it by another way. Select Pen Tool (P key) and draw a thick line with white fill color then apply blur effect by following this path (Effect menu > Blur Gaussian Blur) and adjust the Radius as done below.

3d smoking pipe

Its your work to draw its shadow that is the final result.

3d smoking pipe


Santosh Kumar Web & Graphic designer

Santosh Kumar

This is santosh kumar living in New Delhi (India) and love to work as a Web & Graphic Designing. I like to create sketch, background, illustration and vector graphics. Tutorialbunch.com is a very good place where I express my creativity.

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