Vector Wing
Hi Friends
You are going to learn how to create vector wing in illustrator through this example, It has been completed step by step and described to makes it easy for the beginner. If you follow every step you surely reach on the final result. You will learn more about pen tool, brush and styles, I am sure you like and enjoy.
Select fill color "#c0bebf" and block the stroke color, select Pen Tool (P key) and draw a wing shape then apply inner glow by following this path (Effect menu > Stylize > Inner Glow). A window appears on the screen and makes settings as done below picture.

Select Pen Tool (P key) and draw wing carefully with same fill color but stroke color should be "#4b4b4c".

Select Pen Tool (P key) and draw little wing and drag drop in the Brush Panel (F5) then click on the "New Scatter Brush" and adjust all the setting. Draw a line by Pen tool and apply wing brush as done below picture.

Select Pen Tool (P key) and draw a wing but make sure it should be large than first, use upper step and make different brush settings then apply.
Apply same step to make another one sequence of the wing but make sure the brush setting should be different as done below picture.

The wing is completed.

Apply any background and shadow that is final result.

Santosh Kumar
This is santosh kumar living in New Delhi (India) and love to work as a Web & Graphic Designing. I like to create sketch, background, illustration and vector graphics. is a very good place where I express my creativity.